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Manage areas

send by region, country or area

Warning: to capture the location of a user, he must grant access permission to the app / web and also has to enable the mobile location services.

Send campaigns that only impact users who are located within a certain area

You can manage your areas from the indigitall console, selecting from the left menu:

Tools> Manage Areas

In this screen you can create and delete the areas of any of your projects.

There are two ways to create your list of areas:

  • Drawing them on the map
  • Loading a file with the list of areas

We show it to you in this video-tutorial:

To load a file that contains the information of all the areas, click on Load CSV . The file format must be CSV, with the header: name, geom, tags.

The geom column will be the coordinates of each of the vertices that make up the polygon.


name, geom, tags
"Algete",-1.723579 3.723579|-2.476532 6.476532|-2.789804 6.789804|-2.916212 6.916212,"Village, Madrid"
"Alcobendas",-1.723579 3.723579|-2.476532 6.476532|-2.789804 6.789804|-2.916212 6.916212,"Town, Madrid"
"Alzira",-1.723579 3.723579|-2.476532 6.476532|-2.789804 6.789804|-2.916212 6.916212,"Town, Valencia"
"Silla",-1.723579 3.723579|-2.476532 6.476532|-2.789804 6.789804|-2.916212 6.916212,"Village, Valencia"

To view an area that you have previously created on the map, select it from the list on the left.


Groups of interest

External applications

Web analytics


inApp inWeb scheme

Chat service

